Professional high performance technology: We manufacture transformers with a power range from 2000 kVA to 60000 kVA. Depending on the type and application, we can offer highest level of customer transformers with other performance characteristics (like converter or starting transformers).). All transformers are manufactured and tested acc. to valid IEC-guidelines. On request guidelines of various rating agencies for offshore application as well as specific national regulations can be considered (e. g. ANSI, GOST and so on).
High quality materials in an optimum mixture lead to best results: As winding material we are mainly use copper. All insulating materials are made of cellulose or wood. The transformer cores are manufactured from cold-rolled grain oriented metal sheet. Also we producing core step with the Step-lap joint.
The complete production process is documented by quality assurance records and testing – which make high quality product made by ASA Trafobau In addition to this, our transformers are equipped with various monitoring and protective devices. Also it possible to provide transformer fitted with additional fans, which can increase the transformer kVA rating up to 25%.